INMATEC is the leading manufacturer of nitrogen and oxygen generators. With our stationary and mobile plants, we are setting new standards in the on-site production of nitrogen and oxygen.
With N2 and O2 production directly on site, companies avoid delivery bottlenecks and support the protection of the climate and the environment with the help of environmentally friendly gas generation.
Our N2 product lines with PSA technology or membrane technology offer solutions to meet the needs of customers of all sizes. The generators produce nitrogen with a purity of 95% to 99.999% (5.0) at quantities of between 0.5 and 2.380 Nm³/h. Our oxygen generators supply oxygen with a purity of up to 95% and quantities between 0.5 and 387 Nm³/h.
With more than 9,000 systems installed worldwide, INMATEC stands for innovative technology from 30 years of research and development "Made in Germany"!